
We're the Livermore Amador Valley Garden Club (LAVGC) in the San Francisco Bay Area. Most of our members live in Dublin, Pleasanton, or Livermore. Our club's mission is to encourage interest in all phases of home gardening; promote better horticultural practices; promote civic beauty; and promote conservation of natural resources.

On this site you'll find information about LAVGC activities, events, and community service projects. You'll also find helpful information about gardening, program videos, suggestions about gardening-related places to go, and more. You don't need to know anything about gardening to join our Club. We're an enthusiastic group, always eager to share our knowledge.

Learn About our Club

LAVGC 2023-2024 In Review: Power Point or PDF

Members meetings

Our Members meetings are the second Thursday of the month, September through June. Visitors are welcome to attend a club meeting once before joining. Special interest groups and community service work parties meet regularly throughout the year.

Thursday February 13 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM General Meeting

"All about citrus trees. From selection to harvest."

Location: Crosswinds Church, 1660 Freisman Rd, Livermore. We will be in the Farm Theater in the red buildings next to the parking lot.

Our speaker Chris Avila will be discussing growing and caring for citrus trees. She will give a brief overview of citrus varieties and talk about the benefits of growing edible, fragrant, and ornamental varieties.

Plant share: We'll be having a Plant Share segment in our meeting. Feel free to bring a sample of something interesting from your garden for the plant share.


Want to become a member?

Membership Application Form
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Volunteer at the Alameda County Fair

Become part of the energy and excitement by being a volunteer at the Alameda County Fair while earning money for LAVGC. The money you earn by being a fair volunteer is logged and is paid directly to our club. In past years it has been $7.00 for each hour you help out at the fair. Volunteers will be trained however most jobs are very simple. Each time you volunteer you will receive a free parking pass and admission plus two more admission passes for another day.

Shifts are usually 4 hours so you can visit the fair before or after. Some jobs are walking around while others are sitting at a door or sitting and standing monitoring displays. Use the QR code and fill out the volunteer form to then choose your task, day and time. The slots fill up quickly so it’s best to sign up as soon as possible.

How to use the QRCode.

You can access the Alameda County Fair site to register by using your smartphone camera. Open the camera and point it directly over the QR code to scan it. You might see lines that will help you position it. Your phone will automatically recognize the QR code and display link information such as a website link or contact details on your screen. Click on that link information.