Please search for Livermore Amador Valley Garden Club on FaceBook and request to join. This is a private group meaning only those who are LAVGC members will be able to access and post to the group. Once you make a member request, the administrator will approve you and you will be able to view and post (approvals are made about once a week). Thanks for your patience!
Please use this site for communications such as you have extra plants/gardening things you wish to give away or you are looking for certain plants/tools or maybe a plant identification. You can post a reminder about club events but that is secondary. Important club information needs to be primarily disseminated via the newsletter or the meetings or email just like usual.
I am no Facebook guru but if you need some help setting up FB or accessing the group let me know and I will try to help. Please contact Michelle Tallon, Garden Share cordinator. See the LAVGC Yearbook for additional contact information.