Camp Arroyo is a 138-acre park owned and maintained by the East Bay Regional Park District since 1995. It was used by the YMCA for outdoor education during the school year and by the Taylor Family Foundation during the summer for children with serious illnesses. Camp Arroyo is a pesticide free garden with an emphasis on vegetables.
Kim Billingsley wrote in late September, 2020: Camp Arroyo, and especially the garden, is a special place, nurtured by LAVGC and the Camp Arroyo staff for many years. However, the 2020 pandemic has hit Camp Arroyo's mission and the bottom line of UCCR very hard. UCCR has been unable to financially or emotionally support any program at Camp Arroyo to bring in needed cash. Camp Arroyo is no longer an active part of the LAVGC community outreach groups.