Underwater Design
NGC Handbook For Flower Shows 2007 p. 212
- A Creative Design having component/s, including some or all plant material, submerged in water to create interest.
Those components under water must contribute artistically to the overall design and not merely be stems and/or mechanics.
- If some components are in water and others are not, the effect must be that of a single overall desin related by placement and
components, not two independent designs. There is a rhythmic flow from components submerged in water to those not in water.
Typically, those components not in water will be above those in water, but that is not a requirement.
- If entire design is submerged within a container, a single overall design results, but the designer must consider the Design
Principle Proportion. The dimensions and form of the container must be in appropriate relationship to the frame of reference
stated in the schedule.
- Circular transparent container/s may provide the best effect, but are not required.
- Components submerged in water are chosen for their lasting quality under water.
Firm, hard-surfaced plant materials such as tropical flowers, foliage, evergreens,
seed pods and some vegetables and fruits will hold up well.
- Water visually magnifies all things.
- Underwater components will appear larger.
- Mechanics and debris are also magnified. This must be considered when planning design and working with plant material.
- Water line becomes part of the design, and is distracting if poorly situated.
- Water may not be colored if any part of fresh plant material is submerged.
Below changing the background, underlayment or lighting can alter the mood.
An additional flower changes the balance and dominance.